5 Tips to Help You Win with Money This Month!
There are many ways we can work towards debt freedom and building wealth. Whatever your goals may be, here are just five ways that you can work towards winning with money this month!
- Only buy what you need (and can afford). -- Just cause something is on sale doesn't mean you NEED it!!⠀
- Give yourself some fun money so you’ll stay on budget. -- If you don't give yourself a little blow money, over time you will start to get bitter about your goal and it will start to take a toll on you. You do need a little fun money or you might go crazy!⠀
- Set up a savings fund for irregular expenses. -- If you don't have sinking funds, you might want to consider them! Think about expenses that come up once or twice a year that are just a little too much to cash flow (i.e. tires or brakes for your car, the property tax for your vehicle, etc.), and set aside a little each month in preparation to pay for those expenses when they come up.⠀
- Don’t believe everything society tells you about money. -- There will be nay-sayers! People might scoff at you for not using or keeping a credit card or because you are paying off your car loan (everyone has a car loan, right?) I have conversations with people daily who truly believe there is such a thing as "good debt"! I am sorry to tell them, "There is no such thing as good debt", not only is "the borrower slave to the lender" but it has literally "robbed my joy" and I am done giving my money away to people, I want that money to go in MY pocket, I'm tired of paying people for the "privilege" of using theirs, I will be using my own from now on, thank you very much!⠀
- Make daily decisions with the end goal in mind. -- Getting out of debt will become your family's reason for existing for the foreseeable future, and all of your decision making will run through the lens of "will this help us get out of debt faster"...keep that in mind and making it your daily mantra!⠀
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